Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 14th 2010

Okay, so we had to develop the black and white pictures, right? I think Vennetta and I got light on them some how, and now they're all dark. Light exposure made, what would of been nice pictures ruined. It looked almost like something had fogged them up. Although, we did have the teacher help us remove the reel, so I'm not too sure what went wrong in the process. It must of been while doing the fixture for the pictures on the negatives. Due to the photos being ruined as they were, we have to take a whole new reel of photos.

This saddened me a bit since Vennetta and I had figured out how to use the self timer on the camera to get a group picture. Now that picture is ruined thanks to the fog. I don't think even trying to enlarge the picture would make it look any better, and that in its-self is a dang shame. Then when trying our hardest, you know what our effort gained us? A -1. That's horrible, and is more of a pity pass than anything, but a mark none the less.

The photograms were nice looking too. I like how the exposure looks. Black and glossy it was rather pretty when I thought back on it. I like how the one had a necklace on it with the small heart. The other photograms were nice enough, although I have to say that one was my favorite.

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