Thursday, November 25, 2010

Three point lighting

Three Point Lighting

Me. :D (Picture taken by: Vennetta Hass)

Taylor, Larissa and Colin! (Picture taken by: Vennetta Haas)

Colin and I (Picture taken by Vennetta Haas)

Colin McClean (Picture taken by Larissa Watson)

Vennetta Haas (Picture taken by Larissa Watson)

Three point lighting uses three lights. The main light is called the Key Light. The key light is the major light source on the set, located at one side of the subject. In a talk show this light is positioned over people's head. The Fill Light is the second light it is used to fill in the shadows that the key light created. Its supposed to give the scene a more natural feel to it. The back light is placed behind the subject at the same height as the key light. This light adds depth into the photo. Using this style of lighting, you're giving the photo depth.

Natural Light Portraits

Vennetta Haas

Michaella Wing

Just laughing, having a good time.

Colin posing for the camera.
Natural light. :D

Monday, November 22, 2010


Rule of Thirds


Alexander Nelson (Remembrance Day)

Line Photo

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nov 18 2010


Colin walking on the bridge.

Taylor and Colin running.

Shadows in the front of the school

The trees with the snow.

Snowman, the nose created by a cig butt.

I thought the blues were beautiful together, making the clouds have that light fluffy look to them.

Taylor and Colin taking shots of the sky.

Outside with the fresh snow~

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Modeling for light tests.

Light from the back of the picture.

Frontal image.

Light from the side.

Expression was a little off, but it wasn't too bad. (:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Colin and Alex. (Barbarian and Horse rider?)

Head shot.
Randa and I. :)

Adventures with a little red hat.