Thursday, January 27, 2011

Exam Picture.

Exam Post.

Part A of Question 91.
Composition is how something is placed into a picture, for example, you could have composition in form. So it a picture has nice light that comes from an angle at the side then you can see the texture made from the light. Like take a piece of wood for example. If the light is coming from the side then you can see the grooves of the wood, and the grain of how it runs perfectly. To say composition just deals with one thing would be silly since there are many things that factor into composition, those are:
Lighting: This effects the outcome of the picture, because if the light is coming from the back then the shadows would cover the subjects face, thus casting them into shadows. The direction of the light matters, for example one of the best natural lights to use is when its coming from the North. Light from the north is generally softer, making the subject sit in a light that isn't covered in shadows, nor too direct.
Rule of Thirds: Rule of thirds is another thing to take into consideration when taking a picture. When you're going to take a picture you should think of it being split into a grid like formation. Then you figure where the subject is. You don't want the subject center in the picture or else it throws off any other beauty that can be found.
F Stop Settings: These effect the focus of the picture, the smaller the lens opening the more focus there is in the picture taking in a wider area. Where as larger the opening the less in focus the background is and the more in focus the subject is.

  1. Remember to shoot in a light that isn't harsh, check where the light is before shooting.
  2. Keep in mind you need to get close to get good pictures.
  3. The faster the speed the faster you get a picture, but that doesn't guarantee that it's a good picture.
  4. Make sure that enough light is in the area when you're taking a picture, or put your Flash on auto so it fills out the shadows on its own.
  5. Remember not to get too close to the subject when taking a picture with flash, or have them look away so that red eye is not given.
  6. The best type of light is North Light.
  7. Have fun when taking a picture!
Part B of Final Blog Post.
Shutter Speed: Shutter speed allows you to take a picture at a certain speed as the name says. The higher the setting the faster the speed of the shutter. A lot of the faster shutter speeds are used for pictures where there's movement, for example during sports. Where as if a lower shutter speed was used for such a thing then it would be blurred, and more than likely not a good picture.
Aperture: The setting that effects how much light goes through. For example you could have a low aperture setting thus get a small amount of light. Aperture, does take effect on all pictures taken and is needed to get the right light.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Photoshop assignment

Can you find me? (The one with three dogs on a leash)
(Wolf head, lion mane, horse legs, tiger body, and fox tail)

Edited Movie Poster adding Johnny Depp as the lead.
(Original Picture:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Paul Nicklen Prezi

He's a Canadian Photographer who takes pictures of the Canadian North.

Many of his pictures are beautiful an awespiring.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Three point lighting

Three Point Lighting

Me. :D (Picture taken by: Vennetta Hass)

Taylor, Larissa and Colin! (Picture taken by: Vennetta Haas)

Colin and I (Picture taken by Vennetta Haas)

Colin McClean (Picture taken by Larissa Watson)

Vennetta Haas (Picture taken by Larissa Watson)

Three point lighting uses three lights. The main light is called the Key Light. The key light is the major light source on the set, located at one side of the subject. In a talk show this light is positioned over people's head. The Fill Light is the second light it is used to fill in the shadows that the key light created. Its supposed to give the scene a more natural feel to it. The back light is placed behind the subject at the same height as the key light. This light adds depth into the photo. Using this style of lighting, you're giving the photo depth.

Natural Light Portraits

Vennetta Haas

Michaella Wing

Just laughing, having a good time.

Colin posing for the camera.
Natural light. :D